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Jul 30,2020

Have you ever given blood? It’s been 30 years since I first gave blood - on my college campus. At the time, it sounded like a great idea – mainly because I heard I’d get a faster beer-drinking buzz with one less pint of blood in my system! 

Thankfully, that didn’t remain my reason for long. I quickly realized there were many other incentives. And, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many blood drives have been cancelled over the past several months making shortage an issue. This means we have great reasons to give blood and a sense of urgency, too.

Jun 22,2020

This is a guest post from Dr. Anita Bennett with eDoc America.

Mar 06,2020

This is a guest post form Dr. Anita Bennett MD with eDoc America. Her original article from early February has been updated here as of 3/6/20.
For more information about Covid-19, follow this link below to the CDC website. It is being updated regularly with all of the latest information. 

We've learned a lot about the Coronavirus since the outbreak began in China. Below are some helpful pieces of info to answer your questions... 

Jun 19,2019

Have you sent a child off to college? It’s an emotional and exciting time to watch as they pursue passions, manage hard work – and they’re off on their own for the first time. This can also create healthcare challenges!

Today, I’m sharing how non-traditional access to expert doctors helped our family handle one of those situations.

May 22,2019

Are you a camper? Or, does your family want you to be? My idea of roughing it is a limited-service hotel. But, my husband and son have determined this is the year they’ll win me over to being in the great outdoors for longer than just a barbecue.

I’ve done some camping “research” (ok, mainly asking friends and watching shows like Running with Bear Grylls). Still, I’m sharing 4 tips to make camping more tolerable, oops…I mean more enjoyable.

May 15,2019

“Hi. My name is Reid. I’ve got Celiac Disease, and I eat Gluten-Free.” Now you say, “Hi Reid. I’d like to relate to you, but I could never stop eating croissants!”

Mar 11,2019

Are you a vacation planner or more of a “go with the flow” traveler? Either way, it's always great to take off and enjoy the sights and experiences the world offers. A few tips to ensure staying healthy is part of your vacation agenda can make a BIG difference.

Mar 05,2019

When’s the last time you donated blood? Unless you’ve been in a situation where blood donation was life-saving, or a group you belong to hosts a blood drive, perhaps you’ve never given it much thought. If that’s the case, you’re not alone. Stats show fewer than 10% of us who could donate blood actually do it. Yet, someone needs blood every 2 seconds in the United States!

It’s obvious that donating blood is a huge health benefit to others. But, did you know there are also health benefits for the donor? I’m sharing 4 health reasons to become a donor…


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