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Sep 05,2012

Do you have your mom on speed dial for those moments when you realize you don’t know it all?  I’m often amazed by my mom’s ability to do such a great job balancing work, church, family, sports, friends and yes, even my dad. There is no owner’s manual for kids - it’s all a judgment call. So, why not call someone with good judgment who raised six, my mom!  

Before we get into the 5 tips that helped her raise our family, her first advice is this: Love and do all things out of love for your children!

1. Patience is not just a virtue!  

Aug 29,2012

According to the US Center for Disease Control, insufficient sleep is a public health epidemic!  Yikes!  If you’re like me, you don’t give much thought to it (except when the 5am wake-up call comes!).  Most of the time, I consider it nothing more than an on-off switch - like the ones on our smart phones - that the body flips when it needs to take a break from our over-scheduled lives.


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