Are you familiar with TED Talks? TED stands for Technology, Education and Design. They hold conferences all over the world with speakers that address a wide range of science and culture topics. Sound boring? It’s NOT! The speakers are given a maximum of 18 minutes to present their ideas in an innovative and engaging way, so they're rarely boring and they really keep your attention because they're short. The website says "1500+ talks to stir your curiosity" and it's very true!
Anywhoo, let’s talk about stress!
This is a guest post by Dr. Kent W. Davidson, M.D who works with our Doctors Online partners at eDocAmerica.
Everybody loves a hero - a person who does something remarkable and completely unselfish. When applauded for his or her efforts, this person humbly says, “I just did what anyone would do.” The truth is, not everyone acts heroically, even when it costs nothing and there’s no risk in doing so. Hopefully that will change after you read this article!
This is a guest post by Dr. Kent W. Davidson, M.D who works with our Doctors Online partners at eDocAmerica.
Urban legend would indicate that knuckle cracking leads to arthritis of the joints of the hand. It would be a gross overstatement, however, to say that the medical literature has thoroughly explored this connection. This is one of those quasi-medical issues that is scarcely mentioned in medical school curricula.
Have you ever watched an older TV show or movie and noticed how yellow the actors’ teeth are? With all the whitening products on the market these days, we’ve turned into a nation obsessed with the perfect smile. But, should we be concerned about all these whitening products? Do they really work?
To help answer these burning questions, I spoke with Dr. Chad Park, DDS of South Texas Dental who helped answer these and more!
This is a guest post by Dr. Kent W. Davidson, M.D who works with our Doctors Online partners at eDocAmerica.
This is a guest post by Dr. Kent W. Davidson, M.D who works with our Doctors Online partners at eDocAmerica.
Did you resolve to lose weight this year? How’s it going? According to, 8% of people are successful in achieving their resolutions. That’s the bad news. Unfortunately, I have more bad news in this article!