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361 Marketing Ideas for Your Insurance Agency

Have you ever had a really great idea only to Google it and find out you weren't the first to think of it? Most of us have, and it's really disappointing, especially because nearly every time it happens, I'm just certain that this is THE idea that will make me a million bucks – only to learn moments later that it's already making someone else rich.

There is some good news, though. First, it IS possible for more than one person to run with the same idea. So what if you weren't the first person to think of it? If it's a good idea, you can do it too! Second, it doesn't even have to be your original idea. A quick Internet search will help you find plenty of things you can try - proven ideas provided for free by great marketing people who've already figured out what works and what doesn’t. There's no need to reinvent the wheel, you just need to find the wheel.

For example, if you're in the insurance industry, you might be looking for ways to market your agency and grow your book of business. A quick Google search for "Insurance Marketing Ideas" delivers the following results:




That's a whopping 360 ideas right there in the first four results. Obviously, I won't repeat them all here - you can read through the lists yourself. But I've been in the insurance industry for years and thought I would share a handful of my favorites (I've added some of my own thoughts to the authors' original ideas): 

Solve a problem. 

Make a few "squeeze" videos — short, 2-minute how-to or why videos that highlight a problem, then offer two bullet points to address the problem. Use them in email marketing, drip marketing, as social media posts, and write a blog about it. (Source: Lloyd Lofton,LifeHealthPro)

Develop a referral system with COIs. 

Connect with other professionals who serve this same market but do not offer the same service that you do. Nurture those relationships. Keep these professionals informed of your services and industry developments (there’s not shortage of ACA updates!), so that they will refer their clients to you when the need arises. For example, if you specialize in health insurance, partner with some P&C agents and be their “go to guy.” (Source: Anonymous, LifeHealthPro)

Dissatisfaction Surveys. 

What’s wrong with your insurance? Don’t use the same old “let me quote” approach when soliciting commercial lines. Instead, employ a business “dissatisfaction survey” to differentiate yourself and to let the buyer vent about what’s wrong with his current insurance program. When you know exactly what bugs him, you can provide a custom solution. (Source: Alan Shulman, Insurance Journal)

Promote Your Clients. 

What goes around comes around so encourage clients to leave promotional material in your agency and try to refer them business. Entrepreneurs are often the best clients (they have many insurance and financial needs, plus they’re easier to retain), and they are most likely to refer your service if they value it. (Source: InsuranceSplash)

Be an expert. 

Know your products inside and out. You should ALWAYS be the most informed person in the room when it comes to what you are selling. (Source: Mega Agency Marketing)

And, of course, I couldn’t resist adding one of my own:

Idea #361:

Find an innovative new product. Is it easier to a) sell a new product to your current clients or b) sell your current products to new clients? The answer is A, but this is a great idea because it makes you look cutting edge (which you are) and gives you another excuse to stay in touch with your current clients and prospects. Who doesn’t want more sales AND more clients? If you need an idea for an innovative new product, call me! (Source: me)

This is just a small sampling – there are a whole bunch of other ideas that are worth taking a look at. As you do, please share your favorites in the comments below or, even better, let us know if you have an idea that's not on these lists.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson is the co-founder of, a continuing education company designed to make learning fun. He is a broker sales executive for freshbenies, Eric is a nationally recognized speaker and frequent contributor to several industry publications, Eric spends much of this time studying the health reform legislation and translating it into terms that everyone can understand. He can be reached at

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Tanya Boyd
Tanya Boyd
President of Tanya Boyd & Associates

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