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Jul 10,2020

In this episode, we are blessed with the positivity and enthusiasm of Jeremy Mahoney. Key insights include:

Jul 07,2020

Have you ever attended a virtual conference? When it was announced the 2020 NAHU Annual Convention would be virtual due to COVID-19, we were all curious how the format would compare. For our sales team, we had the perfect trio to experience the event from three distinct perspectives:

Jun 19,2020

In this episode, we are graced with the wisdom & moxy of Kathy Gadinas. Key insights include:

Jun 19,2020

This episode brings you wit & wisdom from Billy Bridwell. Here's a bit of what you'll get...

Jun 19,2020

In this socially-distanced episode we bring you the wisdom and (dry) wit of Bret Brummitt. Here's a bit of what you'll get...

Jun 12,2020

Ready for a few minutes of wit and wisdom from David Smith? Here's a bit of what you'll get...

Jun 02,2020

How do you make the most of mid-year client reviews?

It’s a great opportunity to step back, re-evaluate, and talk about future “what-ifs” - without the frantic last-minute decisions or late-night convos about when those elusive cards will arrive. 

I contend the Coronavirus makes this year’s reviews more valuable than ever. Many employers have had the inertia shaken out of them and will be more open-minded to new strategies.   

Here are 4 ideas to help make the most of your mid-year efforts…. 

May 19,2020

Have you seen numbers reflecting the tremendous surge for behavioral health support since COVID-19? 

This new study reports nearly half (47%) of all U.S. respondents report negative mental health impact as one of the many ramifications brought on by the pandemic. The percentage jumps to 61% among laid-off or furloughed workers. 


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