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Dec 16,2020

Brokers are smart and they have a lot to say. My favorite comedian inspired me to capture broker insights in a fun way to share with you. With that, we created Brokers In Cars Getting Coffee. Sometimes we’re in cars. Most of the time there’ll be coffee. But we always have great insights about the employee benefits industry!

Oct 29,2020

No doubt, 2020 has been a turbulent year. The continuing global pandemic has dramatically changed the way we live, work, socialize — and also the way we consume healthcare in the United States. 

Oct 21,2020

How can 2020 get even crazier? Enter October ;-)

Don’t get me wrong, it’s one of my favorite months, but anyone in the benefits industry knows it also packs a punch to your calendar with open enrollment meetings, trainings, renewal conversations, and a general race toward January 1st. Plus, this year adds the extra layer of doing it ALL online. 

Today I’m sharing 5 fresh tips to help with your renewals and new installs, along with tips specific to freshbenies…

Sep 09,2020

Brokers are smart and they have a lot to say. My favorite comedian inspired me to capture broker insights in a fun way to share with you. With that, we created Brokers In Cars Getting Coffee. Sometimes we’re in cars. Most of the time there’ll be coffee. But we always have great insights about the employee benefits industry!

Sep 09,2020

Brokers are smart and they have a lot to say. My favorite comedian inspired me to capture broker insights in a fun way to share with you. With that, we created Brokers In Cars Getting Coffee. Sometimes we’re in cars. Most of the time there’ll be coffee. But we always have great insights about the employee benefits industry!

Sep 08,2020

It’s a key time for employee benefit professionals to rethink how we approach prospecting, selling and retaining clients in a digital world. 

In Part 1 of this article, we discussed the first two tips: 1) Define Your Audience, and 2) Share Valuable Content.

Without delay, let’s delve into the next 3 tips…

Sep 01,2020

How are your digital prospecting and selling chops? We’re now many months into working remotely – and many employee benefits professionals are struggling to figure out how to serve clients in this environment. 

It seems we’ll be working this way well into 2021, so it’s time to rethink how we approach prospecting, selling and retaining clients – in a digital world. 

Aug 26,2020

Another successful virtual conference is in the books! I’m sharing five themes our team took away from last week’s BenefitsPRO Virtual Broker Expo…


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